Stretch hood

Beat the competition with a stretch hood system

The basic daily operations of a production line can be both varied and fairly intense with a range of processes all having to be completed to ensure the desired outcome. But for those in the know there will be a few additions to the otherwise standard process, adding opportunities to beat your competitors and stand out as the leader in your particular field. Our stretch sleeve option is just one of the benefits that we can offer our clients, with a cost effective solution that will improve the standard and quality of your work.

Life on a production line is fast, there is no room for errors that slow down the process or that stop it altogether, this will end up losing you business and costing you money that you may struggle to get back in the long term. It makes sense therefore to take steps to enhance your productivity and we are proud to offer this service to our customers. The Votech stretch hooder range performs the operation of making sure that stacked pallets of bags are covered securely with a cover, protecting against damage or spillage. But it doesn’t stop there, in fact our stretch hood machinery operates with specially developed techniques that let it operate with a non-vacuum system. This gives the stretch hooder many advantages including not being dependent on temperature and humidity.

The entire stretch sleeve range offers full palette support allowing it to work with a range of different quality items. The maximum capacity is up to 120 pallets per hour, allowing fast and efficient continuation of your production line. It also saves twenty percent in foil thanks to its vertical stretch option, so you really can be sure that we have covered all bases fully.